Architectural Items | None | Fountains & Garden Statuary | номер акции: 16733

Pair of Large Cast Iron Garden Urns on Stands

Stock No.16733

A pair of black painted cast iron garden urns on stands, attributed to the Handyside Foundry. This set of campana urns with flared lobed rims, have lovely acanthine foliate embellishments to the body, over gadrooned socles. They are mounted with mask and loop handles. The plinths are simply decorated with bound laurel wreaths.

English, mid 19th century.

Notes: The renowned American landscape gardener, writer and horticulturalist Andrew Jackson Downing (October 31, 1815 – July 28, 1852) speaks fondly of the garden urn stating,“There are few objects that may, with so much good effect, be introduced into the scenery of pleasure grounds, surrounding a tasteful villa, as the vase in its many varied forms.”

View our collection of: Antique, old vintage fountains, sculptures, garden furniture and statuary


Listed Price: £2,250 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
Urn & Base 17 14"
44 cms
111.8 cms
17 14"
44 cms
Base 13 58"
34.5 cms
19 1316"
50.3 cms

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