Decorative Items | None | Clocks | номер акции: 16590

A 20th Century Oak Cased Time Recorder Clock

Stock No.16590

A fine example of an early twentieth century oak cased time recorder clock, with an eight day movement. The glass to the door bears the words Blick-Time Recorders Limited 174 Gray's Inn Road London SE1. The clock face with Roman numerals is set within a wooden frame and bears the name "Blick Time Recorder Ltd. 188 Grays Inn Road, London EC". The ornate cast iron front containing the card slot is also inscribed with the Blick name in a diamond lozenge This Time Recorder clock is fully serviced and in full working order, with its original keys.

English, circa 1930.

Notes: Time Recorders like this one would have been used to record the times workers came in and out of their place of work. Blick was started around 1900. In 1917 the company bought the sales rights for the Follet time stamp (USA). Blick was one of the two largest manufacturers of time recorders in the UK. In 1920 the National Time Recorder Company agreed to market their machines as 'Blick National' in the UK. In 1922 the company 'Blick Time Recorders Ltd' was established and in 1927 the word 'National' was was dropped and all machines being sold under the Blick name.

View our collection of: Antique clocks and clock garniture


Listed Price: £960 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
35.5 cms
34 14"
87.2 cms
28 cms

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