Decorative Items | Art Nouveau & Art Deco | Other | номер акции: 11900

Stock No.11900

A historic propeller from the Le Rhone Rotary engine of an Avro 504 airplane.This fine early, large laminated, mahogany and oak propeller, made around 1919 bears identification stamps indicating its British Air Ministry registration, and technical specifications. The particular 110 HP LE RHONE engine was unusual in that the entire circular cylinder block rotated around the crankshaft, in contrast to RADIAL and in-line engines when it was the crankshaft that rotated.

The AVRO 504K was a fighter bomber aeroplane used by the RAF in the First World War. 10,000 were built from the first flight in 1913 to 1932 making it the most produced plane from WW1. It was later flown by 40 air forces world wide. From a private collection of early aeroplane propellers.
English, circa 1919.


Listed Price: £8,600 (+VAT where applicable)

Length Height Depth
106 14"
270 cms
8 1116"
22 cms
6 38"
16.3 cms

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