Decorative Items | Renaissance | Paintings and Tapestries | номер акции: 11354

Античная Needlepoint фламандском стиле восемнадцатого века Гобелен

Фламандском стиле средневекового Needlepoint Гобелен изображающая леди и придворных, в окружении традиционных Лев и Единорог стандартам. 18-го века.


Stock No.11354

An 18th century, possibly much earlier, gros and petit point needlepoint tapestry in the Flemish medieval style, of a lady and courtier flanked by a unicorn and lion bearing standards, in the millefleur tradition of the original, from which it is inspired. The original collection, known as " The Lady and the Unicorn " a series depicting the six senses, this one representing " Hearing ", are displayed in the Musee de Cluny in Paris.

COMMENTS : Needlepoint tapestry dates from Ancient Egypt, 1600 BC, and was practised by 15th century Flemish craftsmen in this case from designs for the French Court. In this tapestry the lady plays a portative organ on top of a table covered with a Turkish rug. Her maidservant stands to the opposite side and operates the bellows. The lion and unicorn once again frame the scene holding up the pennants. Just as on all the other original tapestries, the unicorn is to the lady's left and the lion to her right - a common denominator to all the tapestries. In our example the positions are reversed. The Lady and the Unicorn: "Hearing" one of the famous series of Hearing, Smell, Sight, Taste, Touch...and Desire. Research continues.

width height
55 12"
141 cms
81 18"
206 cms

Link to: antique wall tapestries, panels and paintings

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