Decorative Items | None | Paintings and Tapestries | номер акции: 15506

Четыре раскрашенных вручную птицами гравюры XVIII века


Stock No.15506

A set of four framed 18th century copper-engravings of exotic birds with original hand colour. This set comprises three engravings from George Edwards', Gleanings of Natural History Containing Figures of Quadrupeds, Birds, Insects, Plants, published by G. Sidney for George Edwards, London, 1758-1764. One engraving from Francois Nicholas Martinet's engraving from the Comte de Buffon's superb work, the Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, published in Paris from 1770 to 1786. These are two of the most important ornithological publications of the 18th century, Darwin being a great admirer of both.

The birds are as follows:

Francois Nicholas Martinet bird engraving, plate 289, of the "Tyran hupè, de Cayenne" which is Crested Tyrant Flycatcher from Cayenne.

Frame: 28cm x 32.5cm Engraving: 19.5cm x 24cm

George Edwards engraving, of "Huming [sic] Birds from Surinam, Published according to act of Parliament 1742 by Geo Edwards".

Frame: 27.3cm x 31.2cm Engraving: 18.5cm x 22.4cm

George Edwards engraving, of "The Chinese Teal", published circa 1740.

Frame: 27.4cm x 31.2cm Engraving: 18.4cm x 22cm

George Edwards engraving, of "The Alpestris, or Larkof North America" titled ALAUDA. Published circa 1740.

Frame: 27.4cm x 31.9cm Engraving: 18.5cm x 23cm

These engravings can be sold individually or as a set.


Listed Price: £POA

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