Decorative Items | Renaissance | Sculpture and Carving | номер акции: 4351

Пара старинных каменных ОЗ

Stock No.4351

A pair of rare stone roundels in the Renaissance manner, each with a carved head; one depicting Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571), Florentine sculptor, goldsmith and amorist; the other depicts Giulio Romano (1499-1546), painter and architect, one of the creators of Mannerism, from 1515 until Raphael's death in 1520, his chief assistant.
Italian 19th century, circa 1850.


Listed Price: £25,000 pair(+VAT where applicable)

diameter depth
101.6 cms
38 cms

Link to: Antique sculptures, carvings, bronzes, plaques and tablets

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