Firegrates | Renaissance | Andirons, Fire dogs and Chenets | номер акции: 13990

Пару античных латунных якобских эмалевых андронов

Stock No.13990

A very rare pair of 17th century Charles II enameled brass andirons or fire dogs.

The uppermost decoration depicts the royal arms, which is supported by two nude male figures, between which is a vase of flowers. The andirons terminate in two disks also decorated with flowers, possibly tulips and roses.

Attributed to the workshops of Anthony Hatch and Stephen Pilcherd. Hatch was a well-known member of the Armourers and Braziers Company and worked with Pilcherd on the low-volume production of enamel ware, which would have been very expensive at the time.

Firedogs of cast brass decorated with red, blue and white enamel, with wrought iron supports, bearing the arms of Charles II or James II. The brass front is in 4 parts, the uppermost containing the royal arms, the middle part formed of two nude male figures supporting the arms with a vase of flowers between them, the lower portions in the form of two convex disks decorated with tulips and other flowers. Unlike cloisonné decoration, the enameled fields were cast in the mould.

London, c. 1660-1688.

Two related pairs of examples are in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

View our collection of: Antique Andirons, Fire Dogs, Alare and Chenets


Listed Price: £14,000 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
11 38"
29 cms
23 1316"
60.5 cms
15 38"
39 cms

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