Firegrates | Victorian | Firetools | номер акции: 14686

Викторианский набор инструментов для латуни и инструментальных остатков


Stock No.14686

A brass set of Victorian fire tools and integral tool rests. The registration mark Rd62664 stamped on the shovel and tongs and registration mark Rd62665 stamped on the tool rests date the set from 1887 to 1888. Although the poker has no registration mark, it may have been worn off through use, it is clearly part of the set. English late 19th century

The poker and tongs are 64cms tall
The shovel is 62.5 cms tall
The tool rests are 22cms high and wide

Width Height Of Tallest
4 14"
11 cms
25 316"
64 cms

Link to: Antique Firetools.

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