Firegrates | None | Firetools | номер акции: 15576

Редкие переносные огнестрельные орудия из бронзы и стали

Stock No.15576

A set of rare steel Art Nouveau fire tools topped with finely chased gilt bronze female figures or nereids swathed in seaweed. The figurative handles are very fine, and the chasing picks out beautiful detail on the straps of seaweed wrapping around the nude female figures. The tools have one flat side on the stem and the shovel has an elegantly pierced centre.

English, c.1900.

View our collection of: Antique Firetools.


Listed Price: £2,400 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
6 18"
15.5 cms
30 18"
76.5 cms
3 78"
10 cms

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