Chimneypieces | Neo Classical | номер акции: 11011


Stock No.11011

A prestigious and exceptional Italian neoclassical chimneypiece grandly carved in Statuary marble, with superbly modelled Female Caryatids both facing outwards with hands to head and breast either side of this richly adorned antique fireplace mantel and supporting a substantial breakfronted frieze and shelf which is centred with a raised central tablet and flanked by ribboned strands of graduated pearls and oval scrolled Stemma on the endblockings . Circa 1860.

SCALE : Substantial.

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width height depth
External 81 78"
208 cms
57 78"
147 cms
17 14"
44 cms
Internal 48 38"
123 cms
41 1116"
106 cms

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