Chimneypieces | Neo Classical | номер акции: 9420


Stock No.9420

An elegant large and sophisticated Palladian chimneypiece attractively shaped and moulded in veined pinkish/yellow Sienna marble with Red of Eritrea marble ingrounds with bullnose Sienna marble moulded inside returns.The undershelf frieze is concave front and sides, and the dogleg outer mouldings contain the veined Red of Eritrea marble inground panels seated on plain,canted footblocks. The Architectural appeal of the mouldings and overall format combines with the rich colouring and veining to present a striking decorative statement as a focal point for an interior Spartan or Rich.
English, circa 1890.
Provenance: Recently removed from a large house in Eton Square, London SWI.

Width Height Depth
External 73 38"
186.5 cms
57 1316"
146.7 cms
10 38"
26.5 cms
Internal 39 1316"
101.2 cms
40 316"
102 cms

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