Chimneypieces | Neo Classical | номер акции: 9858


Stock No.9858

A sophisticated and elegant English Neoclassical chimneypiece in intricately carved pure white statuary marble in the manner of John Flaxman with Blue Wedgwood Jasperware panels adorning the frieze, the breakfronted shelf over egg and dart undershelf mouldings and exquisitely carved Bellflower garlands and swags around the Jasper plaques, all supported by two pairs of fluted pilasters, shown here with SNo 9859 the original magnificent burnished steel and brass Register Grate.
English, 19th century.

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Width Height
External 72 1316"
185 cms
53 12"
136 cms
Internal 42 18"
107 cms
37 1316"
96 cms

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