Chimneypieces | Art Nouveau & Art Deco | номер акции: 13286

Прекрасной старинной искусств и ремесел Speciman мраморный камин окружает.


Stock No.13286

An Arts & Crafts Specimen Marble Chimneypiece inlaid with Rouge Griotte, Biuxcarro Rosa, Belgian Black, White Statuary, Yellow Sienna, Grey Bardiglio and Green Connemara in strongly accented geometric designs on the end blocks and hints of Gothic tracery carving throughout. English, circa1890.

Width Height Depth
External 69 1116"
177 cms
51 58"
131 cms
12 316"
31 cms
Internal 38"
96.5 cms
99 cms

Link to: Antique Arts and Crafts, Aesthetic, Art Nouveau mantels and Art Deco fireplaces and chimneypieces.

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