Chimneypieces | Baroque | номер акции: 10819

Античная большой Bolection резной зеленый мраморный камин

Верде Antico Мраморный зеленый Bolection Chimneypiece, с типично английским скошенная footblocks. Около 1860 года.


Stock No.10819

A wide moulded Bolection chimneypiece in veined green Tinos Verde Marble the jambs raised on shaped footblocks. English circa 1860.

Width Height Depth
External 63"
160 cms
42 78"
109 cms
5 18"
13 cms
Internal 51 316"
130 cms
94 cms

Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

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