Chimneypieces | Baroque | номер акции: 14723

Louis XIV Baroque Fireplace in Campan Marble

Stock No.14723

A small Louis XIV chimneypiece in campan marble. This Baroque chimneypiece is carved from a beautifully veined campan marble, with a generous bolection moulding framing the rounded opening.
The perfect fireplace if you love the bolection shape, but also want a fireplace with a shelf.

View our collection of fireplaces: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.


Listed Price: £8,400 (+VAT where applicable)

width height depth
External 50"
127 cms
39 316"
99.5 cms
15 316"
38.5 cms
Internal 35 58"
90.5 cms
32 1116"
83 cms

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