Chimneypieces | Baroque | номер акции: 6124

Античный итальянского барокко Nero Antico мраморный камин с инкрустацией Pietra оболочки

Старинные и редкие итальянские Pietra Dura украшены Chimneypiece в Мраморном черный Nero с аканта картуш и птица украшение. Итальянский 1660 года.

Stock No.6124

The Uccelli Caminetto:
A rare and very grand Italian Baroque bolection fireplace in black Tunisian Nero Antico marble with polychrome Pietra Dura inlaid designs of birds and floral foliage. The central panel featuring an acanthus cartouche, floral scrolls and uccelli (birds) with various coloured Pietra Dura inlays and giallo Siena, Spanish brocatelle, statuary, verde antico, Carrara & Languedoc rouge marbles.
Italian, circa 1660.


Listed Price: POA

Width Height Depth
External 84 58"
215 cms
160 cms
8 12"
21.6 cms
Internal 62 316"
158 cms
46 78"
119 cms

Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

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