Chimneypieces | Baroque | номер акции: 7614

Античный пара для Chimneypieces барокко Nembro мраморные

Античный пара Камины из мрамора с Nembro breakfront шельфа и приятным молдинги, в стиле барокко. Двадцатого века реплик.

Stock No.7614

A substantial and elegant fine quality Baroque replica chimneypiece, with breakfront shelf and simple pleasing mouldings in solid Nembro marble.
20th Century replica of the 17th century original.


Listed Price: £12,500 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
External 80"
203.2 cms
56 14"
142.9 cms
9 1316"
24.8 cms
Internal 51 14"
130.2 cms
44 12"
113 cms

Link to: Antique Baroque Chimneypieces inc English, Italian, French, Flemish Bolection fireplace mantels.

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