Chimneypieces | English Regency | номер акции: 8232

Stock No.8232

A very smart English Regency specimen marble chimneypiece in Kilkenny Black Fossil Marble inlaid with Breche Violette marble panels which have been cut and opened like a book to reveal symetrical veining. The oval plaque on the frieze and the flanking end blocks are of inlaid Convent Sienna Marble. English, circa 1820.


Listed Price: £24,000 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
External 69"
175.3 cms
55 1116"
141.6 cms
15.2 cms
Internal 43"
109.2 cms
42 12"
108 cms

Link to: Antique English Regency chimneypieces inc. George IV fireplace mantels.

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