Chimneypieces | French, Louis XVI, Empire | номер акции: 13412

Людовик XVI стиле Portoro Мраморный старинным камином объемного


Stock No.13412

A large Portoro marble Louis XVI style chimneypiece with a central floral cartouche, beading around the frieze and endblock paterae. The shelf is highly, though delicately veined, with orange and gold, yellow and brown veining.
French, 1860s.

Notes: Varieties of Portoro Marble have been found in different parts of the world but the marble used to make this chimneypiece is of fine quality and almost certainly came from the quarries on the Island of Palmaria, in the gulf of La Spezia, Italy. This marble was discovered and first extracted in Roman times and is rightly regarded worldwide as a luxury marble because of the high quality and the distinctive black and gold veining.

Width Height Depth
External 62"
157.5 cms
42 1116"
108.5 cms
15 38"
39 cms
Internal 44 18"
112 cms
31 78"
81 cms

Link to: Antique French chimneypieces inc. Louis XVI, French Empire fireplace mantels.

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