Chimneypieces | Rococo | номер акции: 14647

В конце XIX века французский рококо-мраморный камин


Stock No.14647

A small Louis XV white marble chimneypiece in the Rococo style. The serpentine breakfront moulded shelf rests above a scrolled panelled frieze, with a central shell cartouche and a single bell flower, flanked by foliate endblocks above angled scrolled jambs. French, late 19th century. Shown here with chenet SNo13999 not yet on the web.

Width Height Depth
External 48 78"
124.2 cms
41 78"
106.5 cms
15 38"
39 cms
Internal 33 1116"
85.5 cms
34 58"
88 cms

Link to: Antique Rococo Chimneypieces inc Louis XV English Scottish Chippendale Rococo fireplace mantels.

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