Chimneypieces | Neo Classical | номер акции: 16641

Rare Richard Foster Georgian Chimneypiece with Sea Shells

Stock No.16641

A rare Scottish pine and composition chimneypiece by Richard Foster of Edinburgh. The chimneypiece was designed is profusely decorated in exquisite detail whilst maintaining the elegant restraint of a neoclassical chimneypiece. The reverse breakfront shelf with acanthine moulding rests above an undershelf studded with bellflowers which in turn is supported by tall endblocks, each decorated with an anchor on the sea bed. The coastal theme is echoed again on the extraordinary tablet, a celebration of the Scottish coast; profusely decorated with seaweeds and shells, all in high relief. The flutes on the frieze are studded with little pinecones, just an exquisite detail. The frieze is supported by three-quarter columned jambs, with acanthine capitals. Scottish, c.1805.

Notes: Chimneypieces of this manufacture were a speciality of Richard Foster of Edinburgh and his son and examples survive not only in Scotland but also in the United States and Canada, where he seemed to create a strong market for them in the late 18th century. Richard Foster was born in Canonbie, the Scottish Borders, in 1755. At the age of fourteen, he was recorded as having a bank account in London, presumably as he was serving as an apprentice there, perhaps to the Adam Brothers as they too were in London at this time. In 1785 he returned to Edinburgh, working as a "joiner" and married to the daughter of a wealthy leather merchant. His chimneypieces were sold not only in Scotland, but in the USA, a bold move only a few years after American Independence was declared! This is perhaps why he avoided becoming a prominent figure in Scottish social and intellectual circles, as selling to Britain's former colonies would have been regarded as treachery in many cases. The pine and composition chimneypiece he perfected made the rational principles and beauty of classicism affordable to the growing mercantile and professional class emerging in the 18th century. These clients wished to express their cultural understanding through objects that conveyed the principles they admired, the chimneypiece was one such highly prized object. The Adam brothers (Robert and James) were well known for promoting their designs to the masses, and it is the pine and composition chimneypiece they made for the emerging middle class in Edinburgh that have become synonymous with the "Adam Style". However, Foster was a true master of the technique, and his designs are some of the most delicate and finely manufactured ever made. In the 1770s, the technique of applying a cast composition onto pine really took off in Scotland, especially with the construction of many new houses, such as those in Edinburgh's New Town. The process of cast composition can be described as essentially a thermo plastic mix of chalk, glue size, and other additives heated up to a precise temperature then pressed into wood or brimstone moulds. These could then be applied to a simple pine surround and painted if desired. Foster was commissioned to make designs unique to clients, so there may only be a single example of a particular design, but these usually incorporate existing decorative motifs.

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Listed Price: £16,000 (+VAT where applicable)

Width Height Depth
70 18"
178 cms
59 38"
151 cms
7 78"
20 cms

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