Decorative Items | Neo Classical | Other Lighting | номер акции: 15461

Настольная лампа Medusa из меди с тонкой патиной


Stock No.15461

A lovely early 20th century, patinated bronze, heavy Neoclassical style table lamp of very good quality. The glass flambeau shade is raised on four tapering legs, enclosing a reverse bronze finial, and are surmounted with heads of Medusa who was one of the three monstrous winged, female Gorgons with living venomous snakes in place of hair.
English, circa 1910

Please note: We will PAT test this lamp before collection.

width height depth
3 78"
10 cms
16 78"
43 cms
3 78"
10 cms

Link to: Antique candelabras, candlesticks and lamps

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